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Prayer Calendar Hotel Registration Blitz Brochure Contact us

Blitz Headquarters and Hotel
Crowne Plaza Albuquerque

1901 University Boulevard NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
Phone: (505) 884-2500

To request the $114/night Gideon room rate using Group Code SGB
Click here for online hotel registration 
Call Crowne Plaza directly before August 29, 2024

Important Information and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Please join us for the 2024 Central New Mexico Blitz!

The dates for the Blitz are September 22-25, 2024.  Any day you can help out is a blessing to you and to the people of central New Mexico.

Please! Stay at the Crowne Plaza Albuquerque hotel which is the Blitz Headquarters

We have contracted for 75 rooms at a rate of $114 per night, which is a great discount and includes breakfast. Click here to register at the hotel now! If you have trouble with the link, the hotel is the Crown Plaza Albuquerque, Group Code SGB.

Since the days start early (7:00 am), being onsite will be much more convenient for you and provide an opportunity to have more time of fellowship with everyone participating in the Blitz!  You will not regret it and assuredly will be blessed because of it!

We appreciate you and look forward to our time together at this amazing event!

The 2024 Blitz Steering Committee


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Does signing up mean I am scheduled? 
    • No! Signing up here means you are available to serve.
  • Who schedules me?
    • The schedulers are Blitz Steering Committee. They will contact you
  • May Auxiliary and widows help at the blitz? Yes!
    • This is a joint effort.
    • Couples may work together or separately.
    • Auxiliary do the same kinds of placements they do within their camps.
  • What is the appropriate dress?
    • Gideon corporate wear or Gideon casual are recommended.
    • Suit or tie is out of place in acitivites like working in the depot or doing lots of lift and tote.
    • No shorts. No jeans.
    • No political wear/logos of any sort.
      • Only the Gideon or Auxiliary emblems are allowed. 
      • Should not need to mention this since politics or any potentially divisive issue is not a topic of discussion or display at any Gideon event.
    • Wear shoes to keep you on your feet.
  • What is our focus?
    • The lost of central New Mexico through our schools,medical, notel/motel, crisis abuse, and any other venue approved by the Gideons Intneraitonal.
    • We will not refuse opportunities to give a witness as you do the work of the blitz. In fact, when you can, seek them out. Just make sure your do your assigned work, too.
  • What testaments or Bibles do we place?
    • Any variety of Bibles or Testaments, ESV or KJV, appropriate to the venue as approved by the Gideons International.
  • Who provides the testaments?
    • Technically, the state undistributed fund bought testaments.
    • In reality every camp has made some contribution to buying them by raising funds across the Southwest to support our distributions.
  • Still got questions?

Your Information
Please enter the name you want on your badge!
Check if this is a change or correction:

Required Entry Please*

First Person- Must be Gideon or Auxiliary

* Name:    

* Phone: *  Gideon  Auxiliary

* Email: * ID number:

Personal Note:

Second Person 


Phone:    Gideon Auxiliary

Email: ID number:

Personal Note:

If a visitor to the Southwest Association, please enter your camp name:


*Complete this please!*

Are your staying in the Crowne Plaza? Yes No

If not staying in the hotel, please tell us where and your rate in the comments box below.

Flying in? Yes No
Tell us if you need a lift in the Comments. We may be able to help.


If your Connection Information is correct, skip this!


About Sunday Night

The Blitz begins Sunday night September 22 at 7:00 PM at the hotel for prayer and some last minute administrative duties. Will you attend?

First Person: Yes: No:
Second Person: Yes: No:


Days Available to Work

Monday, September 23 - Wednesday September 25, 2024

First Person:
Second Person:
If you wish to work together with someone else, we will try to accommodate you. We cannot promise it will always work out.

Vehicle Information

If you can offer a vehicle, please indicate type.

car van pickup
truck other No Vehicle
If "other", explain please:
Are you willing to drive?
First Person Yes: No:     Second Person Yes: No:
Are you comfortable using a GPS device such smart phone with a map program?
First Person Yes: No:     Second Person Yes: No:


Our Victory Celebration at The Crowne Plaza

Will you attend?

First Person: Yes No     Second Person: Yes No

If yes, how many total tickets?

Ready to submit the form? Yes

Please click on the Submit button: